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Dolphin Hoops 篮球训练营训练须知

Instructions of Dolphin Hoops Basketball Camp

训练地点 Address:

4947 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92604

训前准备 What you need to prepare before the practice:

  1. 参训学员每人请自带一个适合自己使用,大小合适的篮球。

Each trainee should bring a basketball that is suitable for their use.

   2. 参训学员请着运动衣、运动鞋,建议着短袖短裤,便于四肢伸展。

Trainees are requested to wear sports clothes and sneakers. Short-sleeved shorts are recommended wear for body scratches.

   3. 参训学员请自行准备饮水。(训练营为学员们准备了备用矿泉水可供续加)

Trainees should bring their water (the camp will provide drinking water for refilling)

场地使用及注意事项(Facility use and cautions):

  1. 训练期间,大家会使用到的校园设施主要是篮球馆和卫生间。

The campus facilities you will use during practice are mainly the basketball gym and the restrooms.

  2. 进出Gym仅可使用侧门,其他出入口禁止使用。

Only the side entrance can be used to enter and exit the Gym. The other entrances and exits are prohibited from use.

  3. 校园设有摄像头监控,除上述球馆和卫生间外,请参训人员及家长在训练期间不要随意进入学校和教会所属区域,更不要刻意触碰公共设施,如无意造成任何公共设施损坏,请第一时间告知当日训练营执教的教练,以便第一时间获得处理建议,做好事件登记,作为协调解决事情的依据。

The campus is monitored by cameras. Except for the gym and restrooms mentioned above, trainees and parents are requested not to enter the school and church-owned areas during training. And not to touch public facilities deliberately. If you unintentionally cause any damage to public facilities, please inform the coach in the first instance, so that you can get advice on how to handle the situation and register the incident as a basis for coordinating and resolving things.


  4. 请各组学员务必按时到场参加训练!为避免造成地板划伤,参训者均须穿运动鞋入场。如有其他物品带入场地,如背包等,请按规定摆放整齐,训练结束后注意带离所有个人物品。

Please make sure that all groups of participants arrive on time for training! To avoid causing scratches on the floor, participants must wear sneakers to enter. If you have other items brought into the gym, such as backpacks, please put them neatly according to the regulations and take care to take away all personal belongings after the training.


  5. 场内设有bench供学员课间休息,由于Gym副场空间狭窄,人多显拥挤,还请家长给予理解,在场外等候,校园广场的石凳可供休息。如有想观看了解训练情况的家长,亦可在场内停留,但请尽量不要聊天说话。

There is a bench inside the Gym for students to take a break between classes. Due to the narrow space of the Gym and the crowdedness of the sub-court, we ask parents to understand and wait outside the court. Parents who want to watch the training can also stay inside the gym, but please try not to chat and talk.


  6. 训练结束时,请准时接学员下课。

At the end of the training, please pick up the students from class on time.

  7. 大家可使用学校教学楼一层的卫生间。请从靠近Gym一侧的教学楼入口进入,进入后直行遇楼梯前向左转继续直行,卫生间处于走廊中间的左手边。

You may only use the restrooms on the first floor of the school building. Please enter through the school building near the Gym side, go straight after entering and turn left before you meet the stairs and continue straight. The bathroom is in the middle of the corridor on the left-hand side.


  8. 训练将于室内训练场进行,疫情特殊时期仍需要格外当心防护。学校本着遵守CDC口罩佩带规定建议:进行体育活动考虑呼吸安全问题,不强制运动者佩戴口罩,可根据个人需求做选择。不参加体育活动者进入Gym建议佩戴口罩,但不强制。

Training will take place in an indoor training facility, and extra care will be required during the special period of the outbreak. In compliance with the CDC mask wear regulations, the school recommends that sports activities be conducted with respiratory safety in mind, that athletes don’t need to wear masks and that choices be made based on individual needs. Those who do not participate in sports activities are advised to wear a mask when entering the Gym, but it is not mandatory.


  9. 训练中如遇学员受伤,学校备有First Aid kit。家长也可自行准备急需药品,如创可贴、冰袋或其他个人必需品等。
In case of injury during the training, the school has a First Aid kit, and parents can also prepare their own medicine, such as band-aids, ice packs or other personal necessities.

  10. 如有发烧或流感症状请暂时不要参加训练,待痊愈后再继续。

If you have fever or flu symptoms, please do not participate in training until you have recovered.

  11. 如有其他补充事宜将随时在此基础上做出更新。再次感谢大家的参与与支持!

Any other additional matters will be updated on this basis at any time. Thanks again for your participation and support!


欢迎每一位加入Dolphin Hoops篮球训练营的学员与家长,在这里我们将带领每一名学员体验篮球运动的快乐与收获,同时也为能够陪伴孩子们成长倍感荣幸,再次感谢大家选择我们。

Welcome to Dolphin Hoops Basketball Camp, where we will lead every student to experience the joy basketball, and feel honored to be with them as they grow. Thank you for choosing us!


PA College Prep

4947 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92604
Office:  949-398-5285

Cell: 949-838-5867


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